RATS for Windows, Mac and Unix/Linux
RATS is available for all 3 major operating systems.
RATS for Windows and Macintosh
The Windows and Macintosh versions include:
- The RATS software
- RATSData (a stand-alone menu-driven data management utility program)
- A huge collection of RATS procedures and example programs, including worked examples from many popular econometrics textbooks.
- extensive built-in Help systems
- over 1,000 pages of printed documentation, including an Introduction, the RATS User's Guide and the RATS Reference Manual.
- Adobe PDF versions of all of the manuals are also included, along with other supplemental documentation, and a copy of Walter Enders "e-book", entitled RATS Programming Manual.
The Professional version adds the Census Bureau's X12-ARIMA seasonal adjustment procedure and enhanced database access features, including ODBC/SQL data access, support for reading and writing FAME format database files, and the ability to read CRSP data.
System Requirements for WinRATS:
WinRATS runs on all recent versions of Windows, including Windows 7, Vista, and XP, as well as Server 2003 and 2008. It should also run properly on older versions, including Windows 98 and NT. Here are the minimum system requirements for running WinRATS:
- a PC with a Pentium or later processor
- Memory requirements will depend largely on the size of the data sets you need to work with. You will need approximately 1 Megabyte of RAM for every 128,000 data points. The RATS program itself is fairly compact, and only requires about 1 Megabyte of RAM to load.
- a hard disk drive with at least 100Mb of free disk space (for a full installation, including all examples, procedures, and documentation)
- a CD ROM drive
- Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, ME, or 98
Notes on Windows OS compatibility
Current versions of WinRATS (and all versions from 7.2 on) run properly on all recent versions of Windows, including Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP, as well as Server 2003 and 2008. They should also run properly on older versions of Windows, including Windows 98 and NT, but we have not done any formal testing on those platforms.
Versions 7.1 and older
In general, Versions 7.1 and older of RATS should run well on 8, 7 or Vista. Three known issues:
- The Help system in Versions 7.1 and older of RATS used the WinHelp (.hlp) format. Microsoft did not include support for WinHelp files in Vista (or Windows 7) by default. If you have Version 7.1 or older and want to view Help files under Vista or Windows 7, you will need to download the WinHelp viewer from Microsoft. See Microsoft WinHelp. Beginning with Version 7.2, RATS help was provided using HTML-based .CHM files, which Vista and Windows 7 support by default.
- In Versions 6.3 and older, the "Printer" button did appear in the Print Setup dialog box when running under 8, 7 or Vista, so you could not change the destination printer from within RATS. This issue was resolved in Version 6.35 through the use of a new File-Print... dialog.
- In Versions 5.1 and older, the installer won't run on Windows 8, 7 or Vista. The software itself will run if it's copied over from a computer on which it's already been installed, but the old installer doesn't comply with the requirements for software installation on releases of Windows which came many years later.
System Requirements for MacRATS:
MacRATS is a "Universal" OS X application, which means that it runs natively on both Intel-based Macs and on older PowerPC-based Macs. Note that it requires version 10.4 or later of OS X.
- Any Macintosh capable for running OS X 10.4 or later.
- Both PowerPC and Intel CPU's are supported natively.
- OS X 10.4 or later
- Memory requirements will depend largely on the size of the data sets you need to work with. You will need approximately 1 Megabyte of RAM for every 128,000 data points. The RATS program itself is fairly compact, and only requires about 1 Megabyte of RAM to load.
- a hard disk drive with at least 100Mb of free disk space (for a full installation, including all examples, procedures, and documentation)
- CD-ROM drive
Notes on Mac OS compatibility
The current versions of MacRATS are "Universal" OS X applications. The Pro level of RATS includes both native 64-bit and 32-bit executables (and will run the 64-bit automatically if you have the hardware), while the Standard includes just the 32-bit executable. The current releases require version 10.5 or later of OS X.
Version 6.3 of RATS was the first OS X-compatible release. Previous versions required OS 9 or older running on PowerPC systems.
RATS for UNIX and Linux
RATS is available for most UNIX-based workstations, including Sun, HP, and IBM systems. We also support Intel-based PC's running Linux. (It is also possible to compile and run our UNIX version on Macintosh OS X systems, but most Mac users will prefer to use MacRATS, which is written specifically for the Mac OS X operating system).
For most of these, RATS is shipped as C and C++ language source code, which must be compiled on the target machine with an ANSI-standard C/C++ compiler. The Linux version is provided as a pre-compiled executable, with the source code available as an option.
The UNIX and Linux versions support essentially all of the features offered in the Windows and Macintosh versions, including the complete interactive mode "RATS Editor" interface. In order to use the interactive interface, your system must support X Windows, and the Motif libraries must be available. If these are not available, the program can only be run in batch mode.
System Requirements
- Processor: virtually any CPU running UNIX; Intel Pentium-based or later PC running Linux; a Macintosh running Mac OS X (PowerPC or Intel CPU)
- an ANSI-standard C/C++ compiler (optional for Linux)
- X Windows and Motif libraries (not required for batch mode operation)
- a CD ROM drive
- Disk Space: 100Mb of available space for a full installation
- Memory Requirements: depends largely on the size of the data sets that will be used.