EasyData Regional Service
What’s included
This page provides a detailed description of the content available within the Regional Service. The database comprises thousands of variables that can be categorised and combined in any number of user defined combinations and dimensions.
a) Economic Data
I. Primary source data
Population Censuses - Statistics South Africa
- Population censuses data sets for 1996, 2001, and 2011 down to 22 000+ sub places covering descriptive, disability, dwellings, education, family, household head, household goods, household services, labour force, language, migration, parental survival and personal services topics.
- Population censuses data sets for 1970, 1980, 1985, and 1991 down to magisterial district.
Surveys - Statistics South Africa
- Community Survey (2% sample) data for 2007 down to 250+ local municipalities on person and household level.
- Household Survey (0.2% sample) data from 1995 annually down to 9 provinces on person and household level.
- Income and Expenditure Survey (0.2% sample) data for 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010 down to 9 provinces on person and household level.
- Labour Force Survey (0.2% sample) data for 2000s1-2007s2 semi-annually down to 50+ district councils on person, worker and household level.
- Labour Force Survey (0.2% sample) data from 2008q1 quarterly down to 9 provinces on person level.
- Domestic Tourism Survey (0.2% sample) data from 2003 annually down to 9 provinces - domestic day and overnight trips undertaken on person level.
Education - Department of Education
- Ordinary school sector from 2000 annually down to 90+ local municipalities - learners/educators/institutions.
- Ordinary and other school sector from 2000 annually down to 9 provinces - GER, GPI, public/independent sector, band/phase and grade, NSC results.
- Public higher education from 2001 annually down to 23 institutions - headcount/FTE enrolments, contact/distance mode, major fields of study, formal qualification, undergraduate success rates, graduates/diplomas and staff.
Health - Health Systems Trust
- Publications and spread sheets from 2004 annually down to 50+ district councils covering demographic, socio-economic, input, facilities, process, output, outcome from services and impact topics.
- Publications and spread sheets from 1995 annually for 9 provinces covering demographic, socio-economic, mortality, disability, infectious diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, contraception and sexual behaviour, maternal health, termination of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, nutrition, child mortality, child health, immunisation, cancer, chronic disease, health risk behaviour and awareness, road injury, facilities, personnel practising by sector (total/registered) and financing topics.
Crime - SAPS
- Crime data from 2001 monthly down to 500+ local municipalities/main places and 1000+ police stations by 30 crime categories.
International Trade - SARS
- Import and Export Values from 1997 annually down to 50+ district councils - products only by HS 6-digit, SIC 2-digit, world region (source/destination country) (current ZAR).
General - Statistics South Africa
- Building plans passed and completed as reported by larger municipalities from 1999 annually down to 130+ local municipalities (current years’ demarcation) by building type (units, sq.m., ZAR value).
- Civil cases for debt from 1989.01 monthly in 12 magistrates offices.
- Consumer Price Index from 1970.01 monthly down to 9 provinces and 11 metros.
- Electricity distributed by Eskom from 2002.01 monthly down to 9 provinces.
- Mid-year population estimates from 2001 annually down to 9 provinces by gender, age group.
- Mid-year population estimates from 2001 annually by population group, gender, age group.
House prices - ABSA
- House Price Index from 1966q1 quarterly down to 9 provinces and 10 metros by 3 house sizes, new/old (smoothed ZAR purchase price).
Vehicles sales - NAAMSA
- Number of vehicles sold from 1994.01 monthly down to 9 provinces.
II. Standardised estimates
Standardised Regional Indicators - Quantec
Quantec standardised data sets from 1995 annually down to 500+ local municipalities/main places covering:
- Demographic (population, number of households, density, household size, population group, gender, HIV infection, AIDS deaths, other deaths)
- Development indicator (energy for lighting, phone facilities, refuse removal, toilet facilities, type of dwelling, access to water, level of education, population group, gender, age group, age dependency ratios and crude death rates)
- Labour (working age, employed, formal, highly skilled, skilled, semi- and unskilled, informal, 23 industries, unemployed and not economically active population)
- Household income and expenditure (household savings, consumption expenditure, durable, semi-durable, non-durable goods, services, disposable and current income, remuneration, unearned income)
- Income and Production (gross value added at basic prices, value added at factor cost, compensation of employees per skill level, gross operating surplus, tax on production, subsidies on production, intermediate consumption, output at basic prices, 23 industries)
- Capital formation (gross domestic fixed investment, fixed capital stock and consumption of fixed capital per construction, transport and other equipment and transfer costs, 4 or 23 Industries) topics.
For GVA from 1995 annually down to 250+ local municipalities location quotient for 10 industries and tress index for 10 and 23 industries.
Human development index from 1995 annually down to 50+ district councils with life expectancy at birth, expected years of schooling, mean years of schooling and GNI per capita 2005 PPP$ indices.
Poverty line/minimum living levels from 1995 annually for 13 selected former segregated urban areas of previously disadvantaged households.
b) Economic Analysis
The South African regional forecast is an extension of the macroeconomic and industry forecasts to the regional level. The forecast includes most standardised regional data. The main regional forecast report is available annually. An updater report is published quarterly.
The forecast at the regional level contains time-series of historical values and projections for between 5 and 6 years. The regional model consist of exogenous and endogenous variables, covering consumption expenditure, sales, GVA by industry, employment by industry, international trade, demographics and capital employed.